Composite Resources

Rock Hill, SC


History and Key Personnel

The Composite Resources story is not unlike many tales of the pursuit of the American Dream. While working full-time as an engineer for BASF, Jon Bennett formed Composite Resources in his garage in 1992. By 1995, Bennett was ready to leave his day job and become fully invested in his own company.

Bennett wanted Composite Resources to be devoted to high-speed problem solving. He created a one-stop shop for design, prototyping, and production. What was once a part-time garage project blossomed into a state-of-the-art composite powerhouse with industry leading clients in a variety of sectors.

The second phase of Composite Resources began in early 2016 when Morgan Brady became Managing Partner. Although the business was doing well, Brady knew there was more to be achieved. With the company’s sights set on becoming a leader in the aerospace composites sector, Composite Resources embarked on an ambitious growth strategy focused on achieving success for its clients.

With its success in aerospace composites, the company was an obvious fit for the Re:Build Manufacturing family of companies. In March of 2021, Composite Resources joined Re:Build in its mission to rebuild America’s manufacturing base.

Jobs at Composite Resources

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